Saturday, June 26, 2010

"Mom, I lost my tooth!"

We were able to go to the Oregon Coast on Wed. and come home today(fri). It was a quick trip, but TONS of fun! The boys loved digging and swimming in the swim pool. Austin liked playing in the waves. Carson on the other hand got knocked down by one and was done with the cold water. :)

Last night Carson lost one of his top front teeth and was SO excited! And even more excited to have $ in the morning from the tooth fairy. Then on the way home from the beach today, he pulls out the other top front tooth and we get him a napkin for the blood and talk about it excitedly for a few minutes. Then less than 5 minutes later, Carson says, "Mom, I lost my tooth!"
I am thinking he either has short term memory loss or wants more attention, so I say, "That so great! 2 teeth in 2 days! You should call your dad and tell him!"
"No Mom, I lost my tooth! It fell down and I can't get it with out taking the car apart."
Sure enough, when we got home and he showed me where he dropped it, we would have to take the car apart to get it. Silly kid....How many teeth can he loose in 2 days? Apparently 3!
I hope we have a nice tooth fairy that will still give money with out the tooth! :)


Sara Jensen said...

What a fun trip! It's sweet to experience all those milestones with the kids!

hansen family said...

Man I love that kid....soo cute. I miss you guys.


Johnson Paola said...

Haha! He really lost 3 teeth in 2 consecutive days? Well, that's really unusual! I bet the tooth fairy gave him money for all of those three, even if she only planned to give enough money for one! How much did he receive? :D