Sunday, February 10, 2013

Spicy Chocolate Milk

I have been doing book keeping for a month and a half now. I have been trying to work when Jax is at pre-school. On Thursday, I knew I wouldn't be able to make it home in time to pick him up, so I asked my sweet friend to watch him for a bit. She texted me and asked what a "chocolate soda" was. I had no idea what she was talking about. She said they went to Sonic to get them a soda and since she didn't know what a chocolate soda was she got him a root beer. Apparently, Jax has never had a soda before. She said he sat in his car seat and would take a sip out of courtesy.
Then she asked what was wrong. He said, "Um, I don't want this... I'm just going to save it for my dad, he likes spicy chocolate milk." Hahaha This made my whole day!
 I didn't even realize he had never had carbonation before. :) It didn't surprise me. This is the kid that will choose broccoli over chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy. He asks for a green smoothie everyday when we get home from the gym. I guess this is what I get for feeding my kids mostly veggies when they were babies. (Note: Downside to feeding babies veggies... 5 or more poopy diapers a day)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ya, no big deal..... it has only been 2 yrs since my last blog. HAHAHA  So much for making this my journal. I did want to brag about the trophies Brooke DeCoria and I made for the Pinewood Derby! They turned out amazing and the boys LOVED them!

Carson did great! He was such a great sport about not winning and then at the end, Billy put graphite on his wheels and he raced against 1st and 2nd place and beat both of them. He was still a great sport and had a great time. :)
Jackson, Carson and Carson!
 Ever so proud!
Carson's Cub Scout Master Adam Robertson
Way to go Carson!!! If I am in Scouts, I love that I'm there with this sweet boy!