Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jealous Much!

How would it be to have someone read you a story, then sing you songs while rubbing your back and rocking you until you fell asleep?!?!?..... AND then while you are sleeping, they hurry to get as much laundry, dishes, mopping, and scrubbing as they possibly can, all the while being so careful not to wake you up..... AND then they let you sleep until you are FULLY rested!?!?.... AND then when you wake up they have a nice hot meal waiting for you?!?

Jealous Much!?!?!

Well, I sure am! This is what my little Jax gets most of the time and the crazy part is.....when he is drooling and fully asleep, I carefully lay him in his crib and he wakes up and starts screaming that I would dare lay him down on a nice soft bed!

I wish I could tell him that he has it good and that there are kids in Cambodian orphanages that don't get any physical contact and he is LUCKY!
Yeah, well that is kinda hard to tell a 16 month old.

I guess I will just keep on doing it....cuz I can not possibly give up the snuggle time. I LOVE IT!!!
And I love you Jax... thanks for paying me back by laughing your cute laugh and giving me the most slobbery kisses EVER!!


~ Katie said...

You just completely summed up my daily routine!! What would do without them? Love those boys and I feel guilty at times that I have forgotten that my other 2 used to do the same things Dylan does. You rock Amanda.....I'm certain you are an awesome mom!!

Candis said...

you are hilarious! i love it. and yes i am so jealous!!!

Sara Jensen said...

I was thinking you were going to say that Billy did that for you...then I read on, I know he would have done that for you though right?:) I have the hardest time getting my baby to nap too. just wait until they are teenagers, they'll make up for all their lost sleep!

hansen family said...

who wouldnt wanna hold that cutie ALL night long? Those big blue eyes will get ya every time.


Candis said...

hey lady! what is it about these third kids and their buiness!!! i'm "training" for a half marathon in a week and then i think i'm going to take a break! i'm kinda burned out and would like to do something else for a bit:) how about you? i just realized you are a realtor! what a hot realtor...i'd buy a house from you!