Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I LOVE my kids!

So, I'm sitting here feeding Jax, and Austin comes in and has two baggies with coins in them and says he has separated some of his money. One for him and one for his little brother Carson to spend at the Family Night at the school tomorrow. I just think it is so sweet that he would give his hard earned money to the kid that can not possibly annoy him anymore on any given day. Then he shows me all his school work - almost everything is 100%, then sits down and does his homework with out being told! I LOVE this kid! He just picked up Jax (for the 2nd time ever) and is making him smile. Now, (this has taken me a while to write, cuz Jax keeps needing something) he is taking out the trash. WHAT! I LOVE this kid! I do not know what I did to deserve my kids. (Do you think he wants something?)

My kids are earning beans for different things such doing their chores or practicing piano. They get to spend them on things like going to a movie or a toy. Carson is my little helper during the day and waits for me to change Jax's diaper and then shouts "BEEEEEEEEEEEAN"! It makes me laugh every time. His friends always seem so confused as to why someone would be happy about throwing a diaper away.

AND, Jax slept though the night!!!!!

So, for those of you that are worried about me while Billy is in Antarctica for almost 3 weeks, I am doing good. I do miss Billy, but I hope he is having fun freezing with the penguins.

I was going to put a cute pic of penguins making a heart with their beaks, BUT this was way funnier to me! I am laughing my head off! Maybe I am not as good as I say I am?!?


Tiffany said...

I just love you Amanda!!!!! You DO have great kids! Please let me know if you need anything while Billy is gone. I will be happy to help out!

I LOVE that picture!!! I am laughing my head off too! Funny girl!

bd said...

Sassy lady...when does Billy get back? Bring your kids over and I'll watch them so you can go somewhere ALONE!!!!!

MAybe we can hang out just a bunch of gals this weekend.

Annette Rose said...

You are the BEST! And your kids are so adorable. Don't you love it when they help make life easier? That is so great. You are a great mom. Thanks so much for taking Ky tonight. He loved it, although he thinks he was the only person who didn't win. I assured him that was probably not the case.

If you need ANYTHING let me know! Luv ya!

Oh yea, that picture is freaking HILARIOUS!

PRP said...

You are such a good woman for letting Billy go to freakin' Antartica for three weeks! Seriously, you make the rest of us wives look bad....

You're kids are awesome, because they have an awesome mom!

Dial Family said...

You always manage to see the good in everything that goes on around you!! YOu are amazing and I just adore you!! And that pix of "billy" playing with the penguins is hilarious!! I was laughing so hard I almost was in tears!! I cannot believe what an amazing young man you have on your hands!! Already taking over being man of the house while dad is gone, he is so cute!! He needs to give my girls some pointers!!