Monday, August 18, 2008

Brookes' Pool/ AquaMan

We went swimming at the Bishop's pool. I think everyone had a great time.
It was a very HOT day! (Above in Brooke DeCoria with her darling kids.)

Ty loved to be around the water.

Billy did the "AquaMan" and did an amazing job!

I really do admire Billy's competitive spirit and want to support him in all he does, but I was not the best sport I could have been on this particular day.... I had to do quite a bit of walking to get Billy his stuff. ( It was a run- swim- run, so he needed his shoes brought to a different spot) and I had 2 boys saying they were hungry and not wanting to follow directions. It was a very hot day and I guess I did not have a smile on my face while I was walking, because this random lady said, "Smile Mom, it's not that bad." Well my first impulse was NOT to smile, some women must forget what it's like to be pregnant, if I would have responded, it would not have been nice. I am so excited that I have less than a week left. I have been having some false labor and have been uncomfortable the last few days. Yes, more than usual.

Billy finishing - He did great!


Stuart and Kimber said...

Babies are fun, pregnancy not so much.

Especially during the summer!

Congratulations on less than a week left!

PRP said...

Congrats to Billy! And I'm so glad you're almost done...I'm counting the days with you!